Sound Therapy and Holistic Massage

Sound therapy is an alternative therapy that has been known to help many people with various problems that occur in everyday life, and can help eliminate stress, sleep deprivation, depression, anxiety, repetitive strain injury, blood pressure and many other areas. It is a non contact therapy purely used with sound and not words. The treatment involves a combination of Tibetan bowls, voice, and crystal bowls with grounding tools. Holistic massage therapy is a type of massage designed to meet the needs of the person receiving it as a whole. It can also help treat many of the same symptoms and problems that sound therapy alleviates.

For booking and contact:

Phone: 07443613449 or email me here:

visit contact and booking page for location of treatment venue

Opening Hours 9am – 7pm Monday to Saturday

Sound healing takes you into a safe space while working on all levels of your health and well being.

Over 22 years of research have shown that by using certain instruments and techniques in specific ways, health, wellbeing and rebalancing of the body’s homeostasis can be improved.

Sound is also used to entrain the brain into a frequency of optimum healing, thus allowing us to go deeper. By turning off all peripheral information, we are able to address further issues on a deeper level.

We all have a blue print, if this is out out sink, and continues this way for long periods of time, we experience disease. We become out of line with ourselves and start to experience disease, through physical, mental and emotional symptoms. Sound can help to redress these imbalances through entrainment, allowing our blue print to mend and re balance itself.

It has for many people released a lot of unwanted thoughts and emotions, the symptoms of which are more often than not shown on a physical level through tension and /or ailments. These can also be released if deeper work is needed. Holding patterns from deep routed unresolved issues in earlier life, and spiritual awareness are areas that can be explored and released. Anxiety, managed depression, panic, sleep deprivation, high stress levels are some of the areas that sound can work on.

Though we as therapists can never promise a cure, we do know from our own experience and that of others that sound therapy has worked for a lot of people so, if you think this kind of treatment will work for you please use the contact details given.